Create files from a template


Viewed 28 times


I do not know if my question is intelligent and it is possible to do what I want. I need to automate the creation of files in Visual Studio, here in the company, whenever we create a VIEW it is necessary that two more files are created [NAME-DA-VIEW].main.js and [NAME-DA-VIEW].controller.js, they follow have practically the same source code, but with some peculiarities.

Does anyone have a source of material? Thank you!

1 answer


  • Thanks for the answer, could you tell me if the sidewaffle allows me to automate parts of the code? Example: I want it to include in the file a function that has the file name.

  • Yes, you can even ask the Sidewaffle to process templates T4.

  • Would you refer me to some book or other more complete material? I have made a quick consultation now and only found shallow content. Thank you!

  • @Cleiton I put a link to you in the answer.

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