Script Error in Google Maps - Titanium


Viewed 23 times


I am having an extreme difficulty to do only 3 routes in my app. I am days trying to understand the exact logic/code to finalize my project and I get no success.

I wrote the code line below:

var socure = [37.389569, -122.050212];
var destination = [37.422502, -122.0855498];
var mode = "d";

var url = ""+socure+"&daddr="+destination+"&f=d&sensor=true&doflg=ptm&hl=en&dirflg="+mode+"&output=kml";

You are showing the following error:

Error: [ERROR] : Script Error { [ERROR] : backtrace = "#0 () at :0"; [ERROR] : line = 60; [ERROR] : message = "Error Code=-1 "The Operation couldn U2019t be completed. ( error -1.)\"";

Could someone help me with this?

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