I have a database here and I want to mount an SQL to generate a dataset in Delphi and then popular a Treeview. The figure below shows part of the seat, but that is the general structure of it:
Basically the user logs into the system (tbuser) generating a tuple in the table tbuser_logger, which takes the user id, he then creates a project in the table tbproject and then generates a tuple in the table tbdataid, which will the project id and the logged in user. After that each other table that the user record a given as the tables tbcliente, tbcasa, tbcarro, tbam, the generated id of the previously generated tuple in the table tbdataid will be recorded, so I can know which project that data was recorded and which user was logging in when that data was created. This way I can then filter for example the data of the table tbcasa by the project that is being used at that time. I am mounting an SQL as follows:
SELECT t1.datId,t2.instNome,t3.cltNome,t6.docNome
FROM tbdataid t1
INNER JOIN tbinstituicao t2 ON (t1.datId = t2.instDat_Id)
INNER JOIN tbcliente t3 ON (t1.datId = t2.instDat_Id)
INNER JOIN tbdocumento t6 ON (t1.datId = t6.docDat_Id)
INNER JOIN tbuser_logger t4 ON (t1.datUsrLog_Id = t4.usrLogId)
INNER JOIN tbuser t5 ON (t4.usr_Id = t5.usrId)
WHERE t1.datProj_Id = 12 #onde o id do projeto é 12
In the example above I put only 3 tables, but it does not bring any data, if using the left Join, brings a query half crazy. How I could assemble this query for this table structure and later I can assemble Treeview (which is easier)?
I managed to set up the consultation with the help down, it was like this:
t1.datId,t2.projNome 'Projeto',t6.usrLogin 'Usuário',t3.instNome 'Instituições',
t4.cltNome 'Clientes',t7.atvNome 'Atividades',t8.atvGrpNome 'Grupos de Atividades',
t9.locNome 'Locais', t11.locTipNome 'Tipos de Locais',t12.medNome 'Estações de Medição'
tbdataid t1
LEFT JOIN tbprojeto t2 ON (t1.datId = t2.projDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tbinstituicao t3 ON (t1.datId = t3.instDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tbcliente t4 ON (t1.datId = t4.cltDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tbativ t7 ON (t1.datId = t7.atvDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tbativgrupo t8 ON (t1.datId = t8.atvGrpDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tblocal t9 ON (t1.datId = t9.locDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tblocalativ t10 ON (t1.datId = t10.locAtvDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tblocal_tipo t11 ON (t1.datId = t11.locTipDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tbmed t12 ON (t1.datId = t12.medDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tbmedvar t13 ON (t1.datId = t13.medVarDat_Id)
LEFT JOIN tbuser_logger t5 ON (t1.datUsrLog_Id = t5.usrLogId)
LEFT JOIN tbuser t6 ON (t5.usr_Id = t6.usrId)
(t1.datProj_Id = 1 AND (t6.usrId = 2 AND t1.datProjCen_Id IS NULL))
OR (t1.datProj_Id = 1 AND t1.datProjCen_Id IS NULL)
OR (t1.datProj_Id IS NULL AND t6.usrId = 2)
The result was something like the image below and as I wanted, but still brings tuples where everything is NULL. What I wanted to know is how I can improve this query?
When I register several tables with only one dataid value my query brings something like the image below, even though my database is very small.
@Artur_indio I edited my answer a little.
– Edgar Muniz Berlinck
The query is right it has to return that same, maybe you are not understanding the structure of the tables, I just wanted to know if it had to remove the null tuples to facilitate the creation of treeview
– Artur_Indio
Ahhhhhh, got it. Got to explain right bro! Let me look right I’ve already edited.
– Edgar Muniz Berlinck
@Artur_indio See if it helps now paleface.
– Edgar Muniz Berlinck
@Edgarmunizberlink gave another edition explaining the recording process of my table.
– Artur_Indio
Have to remove all these tuples
for example?– Artur_Indio
Yeah, just put on Where.
– Edgar Muniz Berlinck
takes a look at the query result when I have only one dataid value, in example 1, for several tables.
– Artur_Indio