Multiple items in a Mysql column


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How do I insert and display separate data in a single Mysql mo column? Ex: I have a column (catalogo_address), in it I want to insert the street, the city, and the state in one column and then be able to separate each one in PHP.

  • What is the need to save in one column?

  • Avoid creating too many columns, eg: I want to put the full address, to use together and only get the city. and enter two phone numbers. I was creating a catalog, so I wanted to avoid creating too many columns, I saw once in the Joomla database that use this method.

  • 2

    And then to make a query? Sometimes normalization is essential

  • 1

    In your case I would create a Address table and then only pass the idEndereco pro Catalogo

  • 4

    Nothing prevents him from doing so, but on a professional level it is abominable. If you want to become a good professional, study standardization and data modeling. In fact, even at the amateur level, it is recommended to normalize the data. The way you intend to do it, regardless of whether you’ve seen others doing it, it will become a nightmare in the future. Maybe not for you but for your client and the future programmer who catch this loofah.

  • Buddy, this is not good programming practice. It’s not a good idea to use a single field.

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4 answers


This is a bad idea.

The @Edgar response is correct in the sense that she does what you want, but she has several problems:

  • If the citizen puts a ː#' in his address, it will break his code.

  • The day your boss wants to search everyone who lives in a given city, you won’t be able to do this in SQL - you’ll need to make a program that pulls everything from the database and searches in PHP; forget the possibility of using indexes to speed up the search.

  • The day you want to put an extra field (e.g. neighborhood) in the address, you are chipped - every place that accesses this address field will need to be changed to check how many ' #' are in the address, see if it is old or new, and add the new field if it does not already exist.

If you absolutely insist on ignoring the advice of Maicon, Daniel and me and playing balloon priest and ignore the cries of people who have more experience than you and studied more than you that "this will give problem", consider the possibility of at least storing the data in JSON:


$endereco = array(
    'rua' => 'Pennsylvania Avenue NW',
    'numero' => '1600',
    'cidade' => 'Washington', 
    'estado' => 'DC',
    'cep' => '20500');

echo json_encode($endereco);

To recompose the array from the string, use json_decode. This solves the first and third (but not the second) problems I mentioned above.

(You can see it working on Ideone.)

  • Calm down there beast. rs. I saw an example and thought it could be the best solution. but since I saw that it is a bad idea I even gave up already. flw.

  • 1

    +1 by the "balloon priest". You are a Greek philosopher


To store the address in a single column and then extract the information you must ensure that any and all addresses are stored in the same pattern.

You can, for example, use some sort of separator (#, $, @) to separate each field and then use the function explodeto separate.

Ex.: Rua das Primas nº 69, Vila Velha, Espirito Santo, Cep.: 29101-000

You could keep it that way (considering # as a separator):

Rua das Primas#69#Vila Velha#Espirito Santo##29101000


I agree with Wallace’s observation, Edgar’s answer, is very insecure. It will work until it breaks down in the first problem. To enter the data, you can serialize the data and write to the database:

$endereco = array(
    'rua' => 'Manuel da Nóbrega',
    'numero' => '32',
    'cidade' => 'São paulo', 
    'estado' => 'SP',
    'cep' => '12345-123');

$endereco_serializado = serialize($endereco);

Send your insertion query to the database:

$sql="INSERT INTO TABELA (endereco) VALUES (:endereco)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);

And to recover:

 $sql="SELECT endereco FROM TABELA where id=?";
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    $endereco = unserialize($result['endereco'])

echo $endereco;


The problem you may have in storing in a single column is later to perform queries. Let’s say you want to filter the records of a single city. It will get a little more complex

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