Error compiling Monodevelop Project


Viewed 101 times


I’m developing an application with C# in monodevelop, everything was going great, until when I extend the Form class and get the following error:

/Volumes/Recover/Developer/Webcamtesta/Webcamtesta/Videocontrol.Cs(44,44): Error CS0012: The type System.ComponentModel.Isynchronizeinvoke' is defined in an Assembly that is not referenced. Consider Adding a Reference to Assembly System, Version=, Culture=neutral, Publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089' (CS0012) (Webcamtesta)

I’ve imported all the dependencies needed to work with Windows.Form, but I still have the bug.

1 answer


Probably need to reference the dll System.dll to the project where this error is happening.

  • Thank you very much. That’s just what I needed.

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