Constant containing Array (matrix)


Viewed 90 times


When I try to define a constant as an Array gives error.

define('COLORS', ['red', 'blue', 'green']);

Is there any way to define an Array in the value of a constant?

3 answers


The manual answers:

Until PHP 5.6, only scalar data (Boolean, integer, float, and string) can be put into constants. Starting with PHP 5.6, you can also use an array as a constant value. The use of a Resource (resource) as a constant value is allowed, but should be avoided as it may cause unexpected results.

  • Can I adapt an answer in the gringo OS here? It is possible to set an "array" before PHP 5.6, but only with the use of a function.

  • Go ahead. If you want to edit my answer, I’ll make it "community wiki". If you prefer, you can post a separate reply.

  • I’m new to the O.R. I don’t know what a community wiki is... I already answered my question.

  • 1

    Your answer was very good! To clarify, Wiki Community is a mark that we can make in the reply to indicate that it is collaborative. It becomes collective authorship, and no one gets points for the votes she gets.


Before PHP 5.6:
It is possible to do a gambiarra using the functions serialize() and unserialize():

define('COLORS', serialize(['red', 'blue', 'green']));

From PHP 5.6:
Like bfavaretto mentioned, the PHP documentation tells us this:

Until PHP 5.6, only scalar data (Boolean, integer, float, and string) can be put into constants. Starting with PHP 5.6, you can also use an array as a constant value. The use of a Resource (resource) as a constant value is allowed, but should be avoided as it may cause unexpected results.

It is possible to define a constant directly containing an array in this way:

const COLORS = ['red', 'blue', 'green'];

NOTE: I did some tests and realized that the values in the Array defined in constants must also be of the type climb or another Array. Ex.:
This is NOT allowed: const CLASSES = ['anyClass' => new anyClass()];

Only from PHP 7.0 which is expected to come out in November 2015, it will be possible to define an Array directly in the function define() thus:

define('COLORS', ['red', 'blue', 'green']);


$colors = array("red","blue","green") will be just fine.
  • 3

    I want a constant... not a variable...

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