dynamic path out of context in Servlet


Viewed 3,767 times


To get the dynamic path within the project is easy, just run the code :

String path = this.getServletContext().getRealPath(""); 

Here is returned:


*img_uploader* is the name of the project. But I need to take this path outside the project. I need the path to be:


Does anyone have any idea how I can get this path?

  • You can try to pass "../imagens" to the getRealPath, but I believe this is an indication that its configuration is not quite right. You can put in more detail because you want to access a folder outside the project?

  • Do you want to take the path inside the web level or outside? I ask this because I had to do the 2 in a project, and gave this problem.

  • 1

    Why don’t you save this path in the database and then just search by doing a select? [=

  • I need to save the files outside of the project,because whenever a Tomcat server reboots,it re-deploys the applications,hence all the files I saved during the time the application went online will go away,because the application returns to War’s default...I can even save the path in the good database, but I wanted to take it dynamically...

1 answer


Do so:


String path = this.getServletContext().getRealPath("../imagens");
File f = new File(path);
String imagensHome = f.getCanonicalPath();

You can then create a Servlet to fulfill the requests on /img_uploader and deliver the images from :

File imagensRoot = new File(imagensHome);

You should pay special attention to the Mime Type of the images when delivering to the customer by assigning the appropriate Content Type.


Only valid if your server is running Tomcat 7+ on Linux, UNIX or MAC OS X

  1. Create a symbolic link using ln -s img_uploader ../imagens
  2. Create a file context.xml as below:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Context allowLinking="true">

This file informs Tomcat via attribute allowLinking="true" that it can access symbolic links and deliver content to the customer from ../imagens.

NOTE: in this solution a Deploy script should recreate this symbolic link described above in case it is removed.

  • First option seems to be interesting,although,I was thinking about saving the path in an xml or database file,and pulling this path when necessary,and if I needed to change it,

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