Archives of approval for Production


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I made a change to an page in homologation. Which files of the folders in approval do I have to send to the staff below to upload these changes to the page in production ? PS:I compiled and sent only the files with the existing build date and time in the bin and aspx folder, but it did not delete the changes.

  • Try giving some F5

  • Or Ctrl+F5. You can help.... But I’m not sure if just this solves your problem as a the page ends up turning into a dll with any name (App_web_obbv3t5i.dll by ex.) It may be that a new compilation manages a different dll and your project does not recognize it... The ideal is to compile the whole project.

  • I’ve done it and nothing. But it’s just those same files or there’s something else ?

  • You changed the ASPX too ? If you changed the ASPX (example, put an extra text) and after updating this change does not appear on screen, possibly your IT did not copy to the right place. The html part of aspx is not compiled so it should have result immediately

  • I got it, I thought that was it too.

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