Calling youtube video with click to a responsive Section with jquery


Viewed 204 times


I would like to call several video from the Youtube channel for a Section, the calls would be one by one, through click, to the various titles corresponding to the video, or it can also be link. grateful.

    <li><a class="video-thumbnail" href="" title="Um título legal aqui">Vídeo 1</li>
    <li><a class="video-thumbnail" href="" title="Outro título legal aqui">Vídeo 2</li>
    <li><a class="video-thumbnail" href="" title="Mais um título legal aqui">Vídeo 3</a></li>

<div class="video-placeholder">
    <iframe width="820" height="380" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src=""></iframe>

function getVideoId (url) {
    var regExp = /^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/,
         match = url.match(regExp);

    if (match && match[2].length === 11) {
        return match[2];
    } else {
        throw new Error("Invalid video URL");

var videos      = document.querySelectorAll('.video-thumbnail'),
    placeholder = document.querySelector('.video-placeholder'),
    i, len;

for ( i = 0, len = videos.length; i < len; i++ ) {
    videos[i].addEventListener('click', function (e) {

        var videoUrl = getVideoId(this.getAttribute('href'));
        var title    = this.getAttribute('title');

        placeholder.innerHTML = '<iframe width="820" height="380" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="' + videoUrl + '"></iframe>';
        document.title = title;
    }, false);
  • 1
  • Well what I really have so far, is a javascript script, I tried to make some changes, but did not comply with the desired.

  • Could post the code you’ve developed so far?

  • Ready @Paulohdsousa, the problem is that in the script he by the element by getAttibute, as in the system has several href, he does not consider, in the example above he managed to fetch the code and bring to div.

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