Nodejs/Phonegap/Cordova tablet


Viewed 87 times


I share 3G mobile phone with my android tablet when I’m on the bus. Here comes the question:

I wonder if there is the possibility of using the development environment of Nodejs/ Phonegap/ Cordova to develop on the tablet and emulate on the mobile that I am sharing 3G?

2 answers


I’m not sure I understand your question, but if all your Vices are on the same network (in case connected to the 3g network of your phone) you can run the app using the command phonegap serve + the phonegap app (you can download it in apple or google store depending on your platform).

Here’s a video showing some of the phonegap app. Just pay attention to the limitations this feature offers.

There is no possibility to play the app into a device directly without it being connected to the other via cable and the device used for development has the drivers us from the manufacturer.


Set up a Tablet > Mobile environment is not something trivial and I believe it is not possible. You would have to install the NODE on your device, only that there already complicates you since we do not have it available (I at least did not find anything on the internet).

Another problem is the IDE’s cloud that exist (exo Plaform, codenvi, etc...) They may help a little, but they are very limited and I believe they will not suit you.


Well, I’ll leave it out that this is mine opinion: I don’t really understand why you want to develop on a tablet, since they have few computational resources and have bad interface to work.

If you really need so much mobility so recommend buy an ultra thin, develop systems on phones, tablets and gadgets and something yet limited to the point of being almost impossible.

  • I understood your answer, I know decide if the Development Environment for CPU -> Mobile but it’s not yet completely clear how I can build the TABLET environment - > Mobile

  • Dude, I even made an Dit. But I don’t think it’s possible. You actually got something?


As commented in the previous reply, unless your Tablet has Windows or Linux as operating system will hardly be able to create a development environment.

But there’s an alternative, it’s not the best way, but it might work.

You could create a very simple application in order to read the files HTML/Javascript/Images from the memory card, not the WWW folder. That way your main application just check if in a phone memory folder (or card) there are the files, if yes, you make the main application run them.

I know that it makes everything more complex, that the application gets free code, that you will not be able to use external plugins, you will probably have to request/set the use of all possible smartphone permissions in addition to the clear fact that debugging the application will be much more complex. But if you really need something like this you can adapt the idea and develop something similar.

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