Error creating Java Virtual Machine


Viewed 3,441 times


I was running an rmi application on Eclipse Luna and appeared the following message :

"Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. A fatal exception has occurred. Program will closed.".

The operating system used is Windows 7. How should I proceed?

  • 1

    The solution solved the problem? of an indication of what went wrong (if it did not work).

1 answer


The cause of the problem is the lack of registration of a system environment variable called _JAVA_OPTIONS, some programs use it as boot parameter.

The solution is quite simple, just add such variable and its value to the scope of system variables.


Valor: -Xmx1g

Right-click on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop and then on Properties.

In the Advanced tab click Environment Variables.

In the window that opens click New and add its name (_JAVA_OPTIONS) and value (-Xmx1g) of the variable.

Source: Link

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