Shows image in JSP


Viewed 1,646 times


I’m having trouble showing an image on my JSP page. I’m trying to use several different ways to get the file and I can’t show it on the page.

Folders are arranged as follows


The code on my jsp page

<img src="../../1.jpg"/>
<img src="<c:url value="/img/ParaEmpresas.png"/>" />
<img src="<c:url value="/ParaEmpresas.png"/>" />

and the error when trying to load the page

ADVERTÊNCIA: No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/DataIdea/img/1.jpg] in DispatcherServlet with name 'springmvc'set 08, 2015 4:13:08 PM org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet noHandlerFound


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>" id="Webapp_id" version="3.0"> Dataidea

        <description>postgreSQL Datasource example</description>




  • What is the difference between your JSP and IMG directories? You are probably stating the incorrect path, you can confirm in the browser console if you have given erro 404

  • You have Servlet configured to expose the directory publicly?

  • @Brunswick I had already tried using JSP Scriplet. I tried using JSTL and also did not give.

  • @flpms excuses my ignorance, but since the application is great then and I am new project I had not yet touched the XML, so I updated the question with the code. If you need any information, let me know

1 answer


One solution I found was to add this code to WEB.xml


and make reference to the image using the following tag

<img src="<c:url value="….. "/>" />

Using this hierarchy in folders


The code would look like this

 <img src="<c:url value="/img/ParaEmpresas.png"/>" />

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