C++ with C#, is it possible?


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I have a C++ project using visuals on it using wxWidgets.

I was hoping to transfer the look of the project to C#.

It is possible to have the programming of the functions in C++, but the programming of the whole visual in C#, that is, the buttons call the functions in C++?

  • This is to do, if you submit all the actions of the form by Web Service, but, I do not advise doing this. Maybe, there is someone there who knows another alternative, but I think it doesn’t exist, because C++ uses a compiler and C# uses another.

  • this would be a brave and needless gambit, if it will migrate to a language more parruda, it would not be much easier to adapt the syntax of the functions to C#, the logic would remain the same.

  • I’d say stay in the C++.

  • The problem is that I have more than 5 thousand lines ready, I would like to put a visual to the program, without needing the wx extension....

  • 1

    It depends a little on how your code is, but one option is to turn the C++ part into a DLL, which you can use in the program written in C# (which would be in charge of the interface elements and their Event handlers).

  • I get it, you could explain to me better how I do it??

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1 answer


It is possible using the C++/CLI. This is a managed version of C++ that is used with . NET.

I won’t go into too much detail because you probably don’t want to use it. In fact it is usually only used as glue between native C# and C++ applications. That is, you will do the main part of the application in C#, and use the C++/CLI to give C# access to native C++ written functions.

Of course it is possible to use the C++ code in C++/CLI. It is not pure C++ but it is very similar in almost everything. But it’s almost certain to require some adaptations.

Avoid doing this, but there’s a possibility. If you are going to switch to C# think carefully if there is any reason to leave a part in C++, usually you do not need, you will only create complications without having any benefit.

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