Entity Framework 6 error logging in Sqls


Viewed 44 times


I’m trying to see the Sqls run by Entity Framework, use version 6.

I’m following this guide.

I made a new Dbcontext using the graphical interface. 5 tables only.

The code is inside an API2 Web Controller:

public class TAGsController : ApiController
    private MEUDB db = new MEUDB();

    // GET: api/TAGs/5
    public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetTAG(long id)
        db.Database.Log = Console.Write;
        TAG tAG = await db.TAGs.FindAsync(id);
        if (tAG == null)
            return NotFound();

        return Ok(tAG);


When debugging I went to the Find line and it returned the following in the output window:

The thread 0x8188 has exited with code 259 (0x103).

What am I doing wrong? According to the guide should just be this.

Edited: More information

By doing everything the same, only by using the Find(), without the Async(), it works.

TAG tAG = await db.TAGs.Find(id);

Is there any extra setting for this? Or some special care?

  • Dude, see if this [link][1] helps you. &#xD; &#xD; &#xD; [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18887864/what-is-a-thread-exit-code

  • It talks about the debug, even without the debug it continues without logging in. It has to do with Async, using Find without async it works.

1 answer


You can log not necessarily in console. It can be done in text file, on Event Viewer, in Trace... how the idea is to pass a delegate, to log into text file, you can use:

context.Database.Log = mensagem => File.AppendText("C:\\meuarquivodelog.txt").WriteLine(mensagem);
  • 1

    I did what you talked to log4net, it worked normal, same idea to pass the Gate. Thank you.

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