Provider of Registry.BR services


Viewed 468 times


I want to submit myself as a service provider in Registro.BR and this requires that a test be done in their approval environment. I’m finding the information uneven, so I have some doubts

1-They cite an application called Shepp. From what I understand you send a command passing some parameters and receive an XML as reset. Is understanding this Shepp necessary to perform the test? What is the advantage of using it? I read some contributor in an email list thread saying it’s totally optional and it encourages the use of the test server

2- To have access to this test server I need to fill out that approval form, is that it? The same form will generate me the test credentials and later I submit to the approval environment?

3- There is a library in C++ called libepp-nicbr. From what I understand it is optional. What’s not optional is the use of "XML over TLS applied to the EPP protocol," right? Is there an advantage to using the library they provide? I don’t have much experience with C++, with the exception of college days. The idea would be to use some other language, such as Ruby, PHP or Node to execute a command from this library?

This library has no documentation, is that right? Examples of answers I can find in this link, check?

1 answer


1 - The Shepp is useful for testing as the approval procedure ( is described in Shepp syntax, but if you are not going to use libepp-nicbr for integration, homologating with Shepp will give you the false impression that everything is ready on your side.

2 - It is necessary to complete the approval form for access to the test server, but the test server is the same as the type approval environment.

3 - If you are going to use another language, what makes more sense is to use a native EPP library of that language, but you will have to implement the specific extensions of . br ( and One possibility would be to take this implementation in PHP which is from a gateway to a Billing platform in PHP, and adapt to its use:

The library does have documentation, it is a doxygen file for each version that can be accessed in a browser. For example, the latest version: You have your documentation in this file:

My suggestion is to look at what use cases your project requires, and what use cases approval requires. Those necessary for both, develop and use both for integration and type approval. Those that are needed only for homologation, do with Shepp instead of developing, but leave documented how to use Shepp for the not implemented cases.

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