Check separator type in a CSV file


Viewed 1,331 times


I rode a script for import of CSV with PHP but I’m having difficulty with checking the type of formatting CSV. I need to check if he’s separated by ,or ; or \t or : or |, but I’m not getting it.

Follows the Script:


    $arquivo = isset($_FILES["file_csv"]) ? $_FILES["file_csv"] : FALSE;

    $tipoValido = "text/comma-separated-values";

    if($tipoValido != $arquivo["type"])
        echo "Arquivo em formato inválido! O arquivo deve ser extensão CSV. Envie outro arquivo";
        echo '<br/><a href="index.html">Fazer Upload de Outro Arquivos</a>';
        preg_match("/\.(csv){1}$/i", $arquivo["name"], $ext);

        $arquivo_nome = date("d-m-Y_H-i-s") . "." . $ext[1];

        move_uploaded_file($arquivo["tmp_name"], $arquivo_nome);

        $row = 0;
        $handle = fopen ($arquivo_nome,"r");
        echo "<table border=1>";
        while ( $data = fgetcsv ($handle, 1000, ",") )
            $num = count ($data);

            $coluna1 = $data[0];
            $coluna2 = $data[1];
            $coluna3 = $data[2];
            $coluna4 = $data[3];
            $coluna5 = $data[4];

            //$query = "INSERT INTO tabela ( coluna1 , coluna2 , coluna3 ) VALUES ( '$coluna1' , '$coluna2' , '$coluna3', '$coluna4', '$coluna5' )";
            //mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

            if ($row != 1)

                echo "<tr>";
                echo "<td>".$coluna1."</td>";
                echo "<td>".$coluna2."</td>";
                echo "<td>".$coluna3."</td>";
                echo "<td>".$coluna4."</td>";
                echo "<td>".$coluna5."</td>";
                echo "</tr>";

        echo "</table>";

        echo "<p>Dados da planilha inseridos com sucesso!<br/>Total de linhas inseridas: ".$row."</p>";

        fclose ($handle);


  • There are 5 fields this csv always?

  • @rray The idea is this, but if it is dynamic would be even better.

  • 1

    If you give a explode by any of these delimiters can know which is the right delimiter because it returns an array with some element

2 answers


I got a solution and I’ll leave it on record in case anyone needs it.

I created a function to check the file delimiter, follow the script complete with the reader of CSV:


function getArquivoDelimitador($arquivo_recebido, $verificar_linhas = 2)
    $arquivo_recebido = new SplFileObject($arquivo_recebido);

    $delimitadores = array(',', "\t", ';', '|', ':');

    $resultado = array();

    for($i = 0; $i < $verificar_linhas; $i++){
        $linha = $arquivo_recebido->fgets();
        foreach ( $delimitadores as $delimitador )
            $regExp = '/['.$delimitador.']/';

            $fields = preg_split( $regExp, $linha );

            if( count( $fields ) > 1 )
                if( !empty( $resultado[$delimitador] ) )
                } else {
                    $resultado[$delimitador] = 1;

    $resultado = array_keys( $resultado, max( $resultado ) );

    return $resultado[0];

$arquivo = isset($_FILES["file_csv"]) ? $_FILES["file_csv"] : FALSE;

$delimitador = getArquivoDelimitador($arquivo['tmp_name']);

$tipoValido = "text/comma-separated-values";

if($tipoValido != $arquivo["type"])
    echo "Arquivo em formato inválido! O arquivo deve ser extensão CSV. Envie outro arquivo";
    echo '<br/><a href="index.html">Fazer Upload de Outro Arquivos</a>';
    preg_match("/\.(csv){1}$/i", $arquivo["name"], $ext);

    $arquivo_nome = date("d-m-Y_H-i-s") . "." . $ext[1];

    move_uploaded_file($arquivo["tmp_name"], $arquivo_nome);

    $row = 0;
    $handle = fopen ($arquivo_nome,"r");
    echo "<table border=1>";

    while ( $data = fgetcsv ($handle, 1000, $delimitador) )
        $num = count ($data);

        $coluna1 = $data[0];
        $coluna2 = $data[1];
        $coluna3 = $data[2];
        $coluna4 = $data[3];
        $coluna5 = $data[4];

        //$query = "INSERT INTO tabela ( coluna1 , coluna2 , coluna3 ) VALUES ( '$coluna1' , '$coluna2' , '$coluna3', '$coluna4', '$coluna5' )";
        //mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

        if ($row != 1)

            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>".$coluna1."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$coluna2."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$coluna3."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$coluna4."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$coluna5."</td>";
            echo "</tr>";

    echo "</table>";

    echo "<p>Dados da planilha inseridos com sucesso!<br/>Total de linhas inseridas: ".$row."</p>";

    fclose ($handle);


  • @ctgPi It is, but it is not, by some that I do not know when it is passed to fgetcsv with the return of $resultado[0] it does not understand. I believe that in the dynamic assembly of the variable it is lost, even concatenating " doesn’t work.

  • @ctgPi did not understand when it refers to '\t' != "\t" in various places, can you indicate me more specifically? So I can try better, of course if you want to edit to make the code better all help is welcome

  • It worked, I removed the switch and is returning correctly, also made the change of < in place of <=, thank you. About reading a small CSV the for is limited to read only the first 2 lines by the variable $verificar_linhas, even so he believes that it would give problem?

  • 1

    Have you ever heard of "Murphy’s Law"? : ) It doesn’t have to be too complicated, just check if the fgets failed to break this case. I don’t know if this is code you just debugged, but echo "<td>".$coluna1."</td>"; needs htmlspecialchars() before concatenating.

  • I also suggest you read that answer.

  • It would be something like that if ($linha)&#xA; {&#xA; break;&#xA; echo "Erro ao processar o arquivo";&#xA; exit();&#xA; } ? I will read yes on the link, I had already searched and I will start using the mysqli thank you.

  • Not in that order because the break ensures that the rest of the code will not run. : ) I think the condition is $linha === false or $linha === FALSE, but I’m not sure. But you don’t need to call Exit(); I can’t want to import a one-line CSV? Or the first line is always the header?

  • I used the !$linha exactly why I didn’t know if it was false or FALSE, I thought this way would be any return false. On the header the correct is that always have, this to guide the columns, but I will remove here so that it is better its reuse.

  • !$linha doesn’t work; I just did a question about that.

  • I saw they answered your question but is there any difference between FALSE and false ?

  • Solve my problem, thank you...

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In my Java project, uniVocity-parsers, I created an algorithm capable of identifying:

  • value separator (,)

  • line separator

  • quotation marks (double or single)

  • quotes escapement (usually " or "")

See here the algorithm (warning: it is complex). The process is not simple because Voce has to ignore what is between quotes, values with line separator, etc.

It shouldn’t be too hard to recreate this code in PHP.

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