What language to study?


Viewed 169 times


Following people, I am doing the 2nd semester of the course of Information System and I am in a great doubt of which language dedicate myself to learn!

I would like to know what was the first language you learned and which is the most accepted in the northern and northeastern market?

  • 1

    I am signaling to close because, as the first answer already says: "It is based on my opinion". This question goes a lot of people’s opinion, can have its scope reduced, making it a little more objective, but, still, languages are transient and we will never have a definitive answer in any scope. :/

  • @Lucianooliveiralima see if it is possible within what you seek to know and rephrase the question to something more specific than to take advantage of your question , for example Java programmer salary or . NET, or which is more used etc. In the sense of using a "metric" we can give better indicators than a simple opinion

2 answers


This will depend a lot on your needs. If you are interested in developing for WEB, PHP is a fairly easy language to learn. If you are going to follow with PHP, I highly recommend you study some framework:

Codeigniter: High learning curve, very simple MVC and so is quite versatile. With good knowledge you can modify it to suit you better. Recommended for websites.

Cakephp: Also a famous and simple framework. It makes it possible to create simple or more complex applications. Easy to learn and has a large community.

Laravel: This is the name of the time, it is a VERY good framework, but at the same time complex for those who are learning. I recommend only when you are more familiar with PHP OO and MVC.

Zend Framework: This is undoubtedly the most complete of all. It is developed by the same team that takes care of PHP. It is a framework for robust applications. The learning curve is long, so recommend only to those who already have a certain knowledge with PHP and MVC.

About the other languages (JAVA, .NET) I can’t talk to you because I have no experience with them. But what I can tell you is that once you understand programming concepts and logic, languages become just tools for you and that’s all that matters, solving problems.


I can be criticized( e vou ) but, it is my opinion and I ask only to respect my point of view.

When seeing me, for those who are beginning to study a language the focus should be "to learn" and from this point I would exclude the . NET as a language to start studies, languages with the largest number of people to help you is the recommended and you will find this in the largest amount on PHP and Java, I said, who did not like the -1, but it is MY point of view.

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