Tied to my case /questions/69324/skype-monitoramento
I need answers that are based on something beyond the sense of achism, there are people who tell me that is provided for in the law. For example:
Is the Federal Constitution being violated or not? art. 5, XII: "...the secrecy of correspondence and telegraphic communications etc....
There are some companies that adopt contracts so that people are informed and are aware that appropriate measures and even just cause in case the professional is caught by monitoring doing something prohibited by the employer.
These contracts are valid, are not valid? the employee can choose to sign or not(without incurring penalties)?
justifying according to the topical help center 5º /help/on-topic
before voting to close this question I want to argue that this question is based on the first "theoretical doubts about concepts and practices applied to software development" where I need to know this concept of software legality before starting development
– SneepS NinjA
I don’t see this as a question about practices applied to software development - this is a question about practices applied to the use of IT resources in the company, which occurs in all areas of activity and is not particularly associated with software development. Anyway: the secrecy of co-responsibility is inviolable, but in a company all communication belongs to the company and not to the individual, and the employee has the option of not signing the contract if he does not make a point of taking up the job :-)
– Caffé
Sorry @Sneepsninjaa I voted to close because for me this question is outside the scope, even if it is an IT company. -- About the doubt, despite having good answers, I believe that the best person to guide you is a person in the area, as a labor lawyer.
– Guilherme Nascimento
This question is being discussed at the goal: http://meta.pt.stackoverflow.com/questions/3947/est%C3%A1-pergunta-est%C3%A1-in-or-out-of-scope-of-site
– Jorge B.
This would not be a case to add to tag brazil in the question?
– stderr
@qmechanik I edited as, very well noted.
– SneepS NinjA
The question has been closed, reopened and is in the closing line again, but with no vote to close. I thought it best to leave it open so as not to add fuel to the fire.
– Victor Stafusa