Pre-development questions about android app with data synchronization


Viewed 177 times


I would like to make a simple application to register users using java.

But this app should keep a local database for offline data access and a cloud database to sync the information when I click on a "sync".

My question is which databases I can use for the cloud and for local storage.

I have this kind of doubt because I have not yet ventured with java development or development for Android and the intention is to use something that is easier to implement, or that is already a standard for this type of application.

1 answer


For the use of the internal database, I suggest you use the SQLite. Android has native support for it, and is super quiet to implement.

For cloud synchronization, if you don’t want to develop an API for this, I suggest you use some tool like Parse Core. This tool allows you to save information to the cloud without the need for an API. They have an SDK for Android that is super simple and has a very complete documentation of use

  • Sorry, I still don’t understand very well. This Parse Core would be to facilitate a synchronization? But the database to be used would be which?

  • You don’t have to worry about database or scalability! Take a look at the website and you’ll understand how it works. If you do not understand, I edit my answer with some explanations

  • I saw the site, I’m just not sure I got it right because I understood the data is on Parse’s own server. I was thinking of saving the data in a database of my own hosting. Mysql for example.

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