Transfer value from C# to jQuery


Viewed 66 times


Well, I have a job in ASP.NET here where I can upload music to a folder on the computer and already have a function on C# to search the address of the archive.

Anyway, I wanted to use this path in a music player on jQuery, how come? Because it has the biggest database gambiarra here, every song has already recorded its path, so it needed a way to pull that path from C#.

Thank you from the start :)

  • Is using MVC or WebForms?

  • It helps to post the code you are using to recover bank values in C#, and remember to hide sensitive information that may affect your system’s security.

  • I am using webForms... I would even send the codes, but the gambiarra ta very big, I would need to organize a little before sending, even I’m confusing myself with what I did... The big question is whether you have a way to get a C# result and use javascript ...

  • Kuroi, you don’t need to put everything, just the essentials to help your doubt.

1 answer


As you have not shown the code, I don’t know exactly how you are doing, but if you want to call a function javascript through the CodeBehind can be done like this:

var caminhoMusica = /* seja lá como você pega */
Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("SeuScript","<SCRIPT Language='javascript'> alert(" + caminhoMusica + "); </SCRIPT>");

I used alert because it is an example only, adapt as your need.

Although this solution works, it was discontinued, see more here.

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