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I have the following MYSQL query:

select,valor_sap,month(dthr_operacao) as mes, fornecedor_nome from viagem v                
INNER JOIN agente_viagem av ON = av.viagem_id  
INNER JOIN agente ON av.agente_id = agente.agente_id  
INNER JOIN fornecedor on agente.fornecedor_id = fornecedor.fornecedor_id  
WHERE year(dthr_operacao) = 2015 and agente.fornecedor_id = 3 and month(dthr_operacao) = 2   

She returns me the following:

id  |  valor  | mes  |  fornecedor
552 | 1439.10 |  2   | FORNECEDOR1  
552 | 1439.10 |  2   | FORNECEDOR1  
314 | 2331.07 |  2   | FORNECEDOR1  
643 | 1820.65 |  2   | FORNECEDOR1  
643 | 1820.65 |  2   | FORNECEDOR1  

What I want is the sum of the total, without adding up the repeated Ids that in the above case would be 5590,82. When I use the instruction MYSQL up with the SUM(valor_sap), it returns me by adding the repeated IDS. I tried using Group BY id does not work because it returns everything separately. I can not use DISTINCT value, because there are other records with equal values.

Someone knows what I can do?

  • 1

    You can’t use the DISTINCT, but what other equal values you want to show?

  • You just want to display the final summation or other things?

  • Only the final sum.

1 answer


I don’t know exactly what problem you have with DISTINCT, but it’s supposed to work perfectly like this with a SELECT external:

select SUM(t.valor_sap)  as total
    select DISTINCT,valor_sap,month(dthr_operacao) as mes, fornecedor_nome from viagem v                
    INNER JOIN agente_viagem av ON = av.viagem_id  
    INNER JOIN agente ON av.agente_id = agente.agente_id  
    INNER JOIN fornecedor on agente.fornecedor_id = fornecedor.fornecedor_id  
    WHERE year(dthr_operacao) = 2015 and agente.fornecedor_id = 3 and month(dthr_operacao) = 2
) t

With the DISTINCT internal it only returns the distinct lines, then returns 3 lines as your example.

  • Maicon, thanks for your support. Actually I wasn’t using DISTINCT because maybe I was using it wrong, because I put loco at the beginning of SELECT. My problem was that I was doing an isolated test and so I replied that I wanted only the value. Actually I need the whole year consultation making a split by the supplier and by the month. The end of the query is replaced by the following: WHERE year(dthr_operation) = 2015 GROUP BY supplier_name, Month(dthr_operation). Thus it returns the value separated by headphone and for each month.

  • @Bruno my example worked for your need?

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