Deployment of more than one . War in the root context of Glassfish


Viewed 308 times


I have two applications that I need to deploy to Glassfish and I would like to know how to put both in the root context of the same Glassfish. I know that to put an application in root context, I must put the following line in glassfish-web.xml:


So, whenever you access http://localhost:8080 will open my application. But how to deploy both in the root context? Will I have to change the port?

  • Which application should be opened when you access http://localhost:8080 ?

  • You want something like that? localhost:8080/Projeto1/projeto2??

  • Any of the applications, Alexandre. I need both to run without me having to put localhost:8080/project1 and localhost:8080/project2, so I can link to the right DNS. Both should look like this: {ip}:{port}/.

  • @Leopinheirodesouza ever looked over virtual Servers? I use the same glassfish with a website and a running system, but with a different domain name. If you sign in to the admin console and go to server Config > virtual servers > new >you can configure the ip that will be directed your application.

  • @Leopinheirodesouza, managed to solve this problem?

  • Deploy each application in its own context and create a virtual server for each.

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1 answer


I don’t quite understand what you want. Either way you can go to:http://localhost:4848/ (Glassfish console) and go to Applications and there you can see the different applications you deployed. Then just choose the application you want to run Launch.

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