Select and calculate hours with datatype varchar


Viewed 40 times


Hello, by date, I need to make the longest hour minus the shortest hour of X people.

1 How to select the largest and smallest by a date? I have tried a lot, I can post here the attempts.

2 The data are recorded as varchar, how to find the difference between hours/ minutes? I have also tried a lot, I can post.

From now on, thank you.

DataAcesso	HoraAcesso
20150401	81822
20150401	81855
20150401	102835
20150401	105401
20150401	123939
20150401	125526
20150401	152418
20150401	152522
20150401	162554
20150401	162752
20150401	180024

  • You want to do this calculation in SQL itself or are using some language like Java or PHP?

  • No Sql even, because then I created a View and release pro user.

  • Which DBMS you are using?

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