Search records from one date to another


Viewed 452 times


The company has the base closure of "21 to 20" each month. Would you like to know how I make SQL only search for the records that are inside the lock? Ex: my closing this month is: 21/05 to 20/06, but I do not want to take the last 30 days... I need to search the records within a certain period.

  • 2

    select * from tbl_t1 Where data between startTeuPeriodo and fimTeuPeriodo.

  • It is still not very clear what you want to ask, do you want the records that are between the day 21/05 and 20/06 (for example)? Or you want a few specific days within that range?

1 answer


André, I created an example in Sqlfiddle for you to take a look here.

Sqlfiddle Demo

In this example, I created an example table tb_exemplo and entered 4 values:

  • Value 1, Date '2015-05-19'
  • Value 2, Date '2015-05-21'
  • Value 3, Date '2015-06-10'
  • Value 4, Date '2015-06-22'

To search for ranges the ideal is to use the operator BETWEEN, could even make a data > x and data < y, but it is unnecessary since we have another option.

I don’t know if you’ll work this data AFTER the SELECT then you will probably need the function DATE_FORMAT to display the date the way you need it.

Example cited in Sqlfiddle:

SELECT *,date_format(campo_data,'%d/%m/%Y') as `data_formatada` FROM tb_exemplo
WHERE campo_data BETWEEN '2015-05-21' AND '2015-06-20'


valor campo_data              data_formatada

2     May, 21 2015 00:00:00   21/05/2015

3     June, 10 2015 00:00:00  10/06/2015



Sqlfiddle Demo #2

SELECT *,date_format(campo_data,'%d/%m/%Y') as `data_formatada` FROM tb_exemplo
                                         AND CAST(DATE_FORMAT(NOW() ,'%Y-%m-20') as DATE))
   OR (DAY(NOW()) >= 21 && campo_data BETWEEN CAST(DATE_FORMAT(NOW() ,'%Y-%m-21') as DATE)
                                         AND DATE_ADD(CAST(DATE_FORMAT(NOW() ,'%Y-%m-20') as DATE), INTERVAL 1 MONTH));


  • NOW() - Returns the current date
  • DAY() - Pull the day out, so I can tell if it’s past the 21st or not
  • DATE_SUB() - Subtract date in case I step INTERVAL 1 MONTH, that is, I will SUBTRACT 1 month.
  • DATE_ADD() - Add date in case I step INTERVAL 1 MONTH, I mean, I’ll ADD 1 month.
  • Good morning. So, it wouldn’t be quite that... with BETWEEN you can do, but, like... the company works with closures from 21 to 20, that is... the 21st of the month starts a new closure. That is, the date in the research would have to change to 21/06 to 20/07... and so on. It has how to do?

  • @Andrébaill You want to create a SELECT fixed without passing parameters to always catch the current closure?

  • Exactly... I don’t want to spend what is the period, because the period is always FIXED... that is, we always close from 21 to 20 of each month.

  • @Andrébaill I understand, but in the case today 11/06 you wanted him to take the period of 21/04/2015 - 20/05/2015 or 21/05/2015 - 20/06/2015? And when the day came 22 remained the same or skipped to the next closing?

  • 21/05 to 20/06... When arriving on 21, it will be: 21/06 to 20/07

  • @Andrébaill Feito!

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