What languages to use to create a Tibia/Spout(2D) style game


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Hi, I’ve always wanted to do a "little game" in 2D in the kind of Tibia or Spout (but for the PC), nothing so complex, just the basic (map, make the character move, motion animation, etc) and I would like to know what languages I should study to be able to develop something like this.

Note: I want to make the code from scratch, without using any tool.

Tibia Spout

  • 5

    Anyone, basically... Do you have any platform in mind? (Windows, Linux, Mac, browsers, smartphones...) If there is no platform restriction, and you do not want to use anything ready (why? is it like exercise? ) then there is no way to answer this without going in the opinion of each.

  • 1

    "Without using any tools". How so?

  • Windows Platform. Unity for example. And yes, it’s for learning only.

  • Unity? Hehe Unity is a huge of a tool... (I thought you wanted to do the same basic, like canvas, Opengl, things like that) Still, the answer is more or less the same, only changes to "any that Unity supports." :)

  • But then, what languages should I learn (the easiest I can do what I want)? , I wanted to do everything from the beginning, the frame, the map, the character, etc.

  • RPG Maker. Underneath the covers he works with Ruby and already has several things ready.

  • As I said, I prefer to do 0 without tools.

  • If you want to use Unity, then learn C# or javascript or Boo (probably C#). If you want to do it outside of Unity, then javascript and android are promising. Other alternatives to C or C++ would be to use SDL or Allegro 5. There are thousands of possible answers to your question.

  • Mozilla has developed this one Javascript only (using websocket). - src

  • Amigo C++ or Blueprint these languages will be able to see if you will use the platform Unreal engine 4 by very good way I study in the school saga of games I am producing a 3d game but as you want to do 2d will only have work to make the millions of pixels arts sahsuahsa the more gets to tip use the Unreal engine 4 will make your life much easier

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