What is the simple way to create a Webservice Rest from an existing Dynanic Java Web project?


Viewed 1,036 times


Fala galera

I’m a beginner in the world of java and created a Dynamic web project where I use Hibernate, Primefaces and Tomcat. Everything is working, screens, records (CRUD) and stuff. Only now I want to turn it into a webservice so I can consume the data through an Android app. I’ve turned and reviewed Google and found a lot of stuff, with various approaches , using several different frameworks. This shuffles my head a lot and I don’t know where to start, what to use. So, I wonder if someone gives me a light where to start.

  • As it is answered, it is interesting to use some framework that solves these questions for you. It seems that you are already early in your project, but if you have a little time, see the framework with which I work. We have a tool based on this framework that will generate for you all CRUD from its POJO class, including for Rest services: http://demoiselle.sourceforge.net/docs/tools/nimble/1.2.1/html/eclipsesamplerest.html

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