That doesn’t answer the question, is an additional answer for anyone looking for something to use javascript
but how many people will find this on Google is looking for a way to automate by command line a full browser, like Webkit, it is interesting to consider the Phantomjs.
The PhamtomJS
has version for Windows, Linux and Windows, and in situations where it is necessary more than simple web Scrapping, it is very good. Allows you to literally emulate a full browser, take print screen and other things.
The code below, for example, accesses the SOPT and takes a screenshot and saves it in the local folder
// $ phantomjs nomedoarquivo.js
var page = require('webpage').create();'/', function() {
– Renan Gomes
Swing, SWT, Javafx?
– Anthony Accioly
Wish, if possible, in java swing!
– Nickolas Carlos