Property of Tablix in Report Builder 3.0


Viewed 134 times


I wonder if there is any property in Tablix that let me know if the field is in the state expanded or collapsed?

I’m wanting to display some information in a column only if the left field is expanded. The idea would be something like this:

=IIF(Fields!DivisionT.Expanded = False, "", First(Fields!QtdeApr.Value))

Do you know any way to do that?

1 answer


I figured out how to do what I want. I don’t need to use any expression resource, just use the visibility property of the field in question.

recalling that: "I’m wanting to display some information in a column only if left field is expanded." The solution is:

  • Right-click in the right field (field that should appear only if...).
  • Select the property Visibility
  • Select Hide
  • Check the option: "Display can be toggled by this report item:"
  • In the Combo Box below this option select the field name on the right.

The result of this is that the right field will always start hidden but, when the left field is expanded, the right field will appear.

Result obtained!

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