Doubt about dependency injection in Customer Systems of Hibernate


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I wonder if there is any way I can inject resources into an Hibernate Event Listener using vraptor 3.5. I wish I could simulate the behavior of a Rigger that we have in the database. And this Listener would update the database.

I have the following object:

@Table(name = "nfeide", schema = "coliseunfe")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "coliseunfe.gen_idnfeide", sequenceName = "coliseunfe.gen_idnfeide")
public class Nfeide implements{

private static final long serialVersionUID = -4072081791666953260L;
private long idnfeide;
private Filial filial;
private Funcuser funcuser;
private long nnf;
private Long nnfnota;
private Long nnfnotahomo;
private int cnf;
private Tipopagamento tipopagamento;
private Modelo modelo;
private Serie serie;
private LocalDateTime demi;
private LocalDateTime dsaient;
private LocalTime hsaient;
private Integer tpnfe;

As you can see there I have declared an Event Listener, which follows below:

public class ContaEntradaListener{

private ContaentradaRepository contaentradaRepository;

public ContaEntradaListener() {
    /*contaentradaRepository = new ContaentradaBusiness(null, null);*/

public void preUpdate(Object object){

    Nfeide nfeide = (Nfeide) object;
    char statusnota = nfeide.getStatusnota();
    List<Nfecontaentrada> nfecontaentradas = new ArrayList<>(nfeide.getNfecontaentradas());

    for(Nfecontaentrada nfecontaentrada: nfecontaentradas){
        Contaentrada contaentrada = nfecontaentrada.getContaentrada();

        if(statusnota == 'a'){
            String descricao = "NRO. NOTA: " + nfeide.getNnf();
            contaentradaRepository.atualizaContaentradaStatus(contaentrada.getIdcontaentrada(), "p");
            contaentradaRepository.atualizaContaentradaDescricao(contaentrada.getIdcontaentrada(), descricao);

        } else if(statusnota == 'c'){
            contaentradaRepository.atualizaContaentradaStatus(contaentrada.getIdcontaentrada(), "n");

I know the question may be a bit silly, but it would be interesting for me to find a solution to this question of transforming triggers into java, to help with maintenance. Since I’ve been thanking

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