Wordpress does not list posts correctly


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I’m having a problem in Wordpress, a client passed a theme for me to install in Wordpress, he bought and passed me, I just played in Wordpress themes folder. What happens is that when you list the posts it lists, only it displays the entire content in the post, the photos of the posts do not appear right, etc. Look here, this is the one I installed. On the purchase page of theme they have the same page only that correctly, as it has to be.

  • You just took the theme and threw it in the folder Themes that’s what I understood?

  • In the folder of theme purchased has some folder images or img or anything related to images?

  • Yes, I just put there, installed the plugins I needed according to the documentation and activated the theme. Inside the theme folder has the "framework" folder and inside it has the image folders, css, js, etc.

  • Then change the address of the images in the theme to the location in your directory.

  • The images are appearing right, but by my look is something with css, because it is not listing "cute" and is displaying all the text and not appearing "read more"

  • Make sure the theme does not define special fields for the summary of the post and for the images that compose the slider

  • The see more in wordpress is not always automatic, sometimes you need to add the <!--more--> to show reading more. Another strange thing in the post titles is that in the seller’s site they are H4 with 13px in font-size and in their they are H5 with 18px in font-size. Another problem for images is that on your site the div in which they are and the content has the classes "col-lg-12 col-Md-12 col-Sm-12" in the seller has the classes col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 and the content has the classes col-lg-8 col-md-6 col-sm-6, that is to say in his each div occupies 12 columns in his one occupies 4 and the other 8

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