Translation Theme Opencart


Viewed 423 times


I am to buy an Opencart theme on Themesforest, but would like to know if any theme I buy have translation option. Both the website and the Panel.

  1. It’s a translation package that bass or have to do it right in the PHP file ?
  2. I have already installed Opencart with default theme. If I buy another, the administrative panel will be the new theme or remains the default ?
  3. Any theme you buy I have the option to install plugins for shipping, Pagseguro and others ?

1 answer


1- It is a package yes. Actually when I installed en, I downloaded directly from here, in this link you have the instructions on how to install;

2 - Probably will be the same, maybe it has some additional module;

3 - Yes, any plugin, because the CMS will always be the same, what you will be doing when installing some theme is to change the face of your store, just.

I hope I helped, hug.

  • It did. Thanks.

  • You’re welcome! Good luck, hug.

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