My js file is not loading


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Studying Ajax with Jquery, in Mauricio Samy Silva’s book is not working with me. I made a js file out and now I can’t load it. What I did I think is not wrong. I debugged the browser with F12 and I don’t see any js error. I put several Alerts and didn’t fire any. Below me js and in sequence my html. I used VS2013’s own template.

function iniciaAjax() {

    var objAjax = false;
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {

        objAjax = new XMLHttpRequest();
    else if(window.ActiveXObject){

            objAjax = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
                objAjax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            catch (ex)
                objAjax = false;

function requisitar(arquivo){

    var requisicaoAjax = iniciaAjax();
    if (requisicaoAjax) {

        requisicaoAjax.onreadystateshange = function () {
  "GET", arquivo, true);

function mostraResposta(requisicaoAjax) {

    if (requisicaoAjax.readyState == 4) {
        if (requisicaoAjax.status == 200 || requisicaoAjax.status == 304) {

            alert("Problema com o servidor");

            alert("Problema com o servidor");

Eveja how is my Html. The file above(js) I put inside a file called libAjax, as it is in my html.

<%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Teste_Javascript._Default" %>

<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">

    <script src="Scripts/Ajax/libAjax.js"></script>

    <div class="jumbotron">
        <p class="lead">ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.</p>
        <p><a href="" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>

    <a href="Content/mensagem.txt" onclick="requisitar(this.href); return false;">Resultado aqui</a>

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-4">
            <h2>Getting started</h2>
                ASP.NET Web Forms lets you build dynamic websites using a familiar drag-and-drop, event-driven model.
            A design surface and hundreds of controls and components let you rapidly build sophisticated, powerful UI-driven sites with data access.
                <a class="btn btn-default" href="">Learn more &raquo;</a>
        <div class="col-md-4">
            <h2>Get more libraries</h2>
                NuGet is a free Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to add, remove, and update libraries and tools in Visual Studio projects.
                <a class="btn btn-default" href="">Learn more &raquo;</a>
        <div class="col-md-4">
            <h2>Web Hosting</h2>
                You can easily find a web hosting company that offers the right mix of features and price for your applications.
                <a class="btn btn-default" href="">Learn more &raquo;</a>

  • I updated the answer with other errors I found :)

2 answers


I think I’ve identified your problem, you’re not returning the objAjax in the role of iniciaAjax(), do:

function iniciaAjax() {

    var objAjax = false;
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {

        objAjax = new XMLHttpRequest();
    else if(window.ActiveXObject){

            objAjax = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
                objAjax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            catch (ex)
                objAjax = false;
    return objAjax; /* aqui */

I discovered 2 errors in your request function, it was written onreadystateshange instead of onreadystatechange and the request call was within the function.

function requisitar(arquivo){

    var requisicaoAjax = iniciaAjax();
    if (requisicaoAjax) {

        requisicaoAjax.onreadystatechange = function () {
        // isso fica fora do onreadystatechange"GET", arquivo, true);
  • No. The first Alert was fired, but the others did not, that is, it validated the function with True and then I think it goes out of scope. With F12 I see no mistake.

  • @pnet I updated the answer with 2 other errors I found in your function.

  • Does not enter this block: requisicaoAjax.onreadystateshange = Function() { Alert(2); displayResposta(requisicaoAjax); Alert(3); }

  • @pnet As I told you you are writing shange instead of change, that way he’ll never call.

  • Dude, I didn’t even notice it. Solved. I’ll mark your answer.

  • @pnet Good study! :)

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Import javascript this way:

<script src='<%=ResolveClientUrl("~/Scripts/Ajax/libAjax.js") %>'></script>
  • Where is the Scripts directory in your application’s directory tree? At the root?

  • yes, that would be my way. Projects/Teste_javascript/Scriptsajax<libAjax.js

  • Is this line correct to call function js? <a href="Content/message.txt" onclick="request(this.href); Return false;">Result here</a>

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