Using Autohotkey, I want to change the function of the *(Numpadmult) key from the number pad to Tab, but only when Num Lock is disabled. When Num Lock is active, it should remain *. As is possible?
Using Autohotkey, I want to change the function of the *(Numpadmult) key from the number pad to Tab, but only when Num Lock is disabled. When Num Lock is active, it should remain *. As is possible?
Researching, I found the answer to my own question:
if ( GetKeyState("NumLock", "T") ) ; this will be 'true' if NumLock is toggled 'on'
send *
send {tab}
Source: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/62251-how-to-make-scroll-lock-toggle-a-hotkey/
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