Direct download without playback


Viewed 2,126 times


I have an HTML file where there are some links to download, but some links are not downloading themselves but opening in the browser itself, as files . txt and . mp3, files like . rar and . zip are downloaded directly, as I do so that all files are downloaded directly (without being played back)?

OBS: Chrome latest version.

            <a href="teste.txt">TXT</a>
            <a href="teste.rar">RAR</a>
            <a href="teste.mp3">MP3</a>
  • Do you control the server where these files are hosted? If so, you know which server?

  • @ctgPi, No control.

1 answer


If you do not control the server, the solution is to use the attribute download="…" HTML5:

<a href="teste.txt" download="laranja.txt">TXT</a>
<a href="teste.rar" download="morango.rar">RAR</a>
<a href="teste.mp3" download="banana.mp3">MP3</a>

This works on Chrome and Firefox, but does not work on any IE version.

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