Tool to Measure Java Software Performance


Viewed 878 times


I wonder if anyone knows any tools to measure theesempenho de um algoritmo.

Let me give you an example:

I have two sorting algorithms, and I wanted to measure how much tempo, memória and etc.. each spent

I’ve been using the Java Monitor do Eclipse but I’m not relying too much on the results.

1 answer


Yes, there is a way, yes, there is an API that I designed to meet that, using Aspect-Oriented Programming. I don’t want to go into details about the paradigm here, but we will meet your need.

First Option - Green Aspect Utils This is my framework with Aspects, including Log with Offing level. If you want to use my Framework, access this link:

Just add the @Loggableobject logo annotation to your method in this way:

    private int seuMetodo(String a, Integer b, String y, Object o, String c){
        //Conputacoes e execucao de seus algoritmos
        return 1;

Note: To use my framework you will need the least of Maven

When you run this program, you will see this information that you want.

Second Option, just use a Profiling tool such as Jconsole, Jprofile

Jconsole is in the C: Program Files (x86) Java folder jdk1.7.0_51 bin

Third Option - Write your own Profiling code

That will be something in this template:

public static void seuMethod() {
    // sua logica
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Memória total
    System.out.println("Memória total: "
            + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory());

    // Memória livre
    System.out.println("Memória livre: "
            + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory());

    // Tempo de inicio
    long initialTime = System.nanoTime();


    System.out.println("Tempo de execução total --> "
            + (System.nanoTime() - initialTime));

    System.out.println("Memória total: "
            + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory());

    // Memória livre
    System.out.println("Memória livre: "
            + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory());


Read the code comments, should help you

Note the use of methods before and after the execution of your methods.

  • Runtime.getRuntime(). freeMemory()
  • Runtime.getRuntime(). totalMemory()
  • Grateful for the Help Felipe!

  • That’s why we’re here, let me know if everything works normally. And follow me on Github, to track the evolution of the API

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