Is it possible to use vertical, edge or face coloring in a DIRECTED graph?


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I would like to know if it is possible to use the staining technique in directed graphs? Whether yes or no, why?

1 answer


Yes, but note that if there is an edge A B, then A and B must have different colors, otherwise A would have a neighbor (B) with the same color. The same reasoning holds true, but on the contrary, if the edge is B A. Coloring a directed graph is no different than coloring an undirected graph; therefore nobody distinguishes the two cases.

This is different from e.g. in the problem of finding the minimum generating tree: consider the graph below.

grafo A → B (peso 1), B → C (peso 2), C → A (peso 3)

If the graph were not directed, the smallest minimum generating tree (in the sense of being the minimum weight subgraph where there is always a path between any two vertices) would obviously be composed of the edges A - B and B - C.

Since the graph is directed, however, this minimum weight subgraph is a arborescence minimum generator, which in this case has to have the three edges A B, B C, C A; for this other problem, the graph being directed or not makes, yes, difference.

  • I understood, my question was precisely because nobody distinguishes the two cases, thank you!

  • but and coloring of vertices and faces, it is also possible?

  • Coloring faces is equivalent to coloring the vertices of the dual graph (and then again worth the above answer).

  • "Arborescence"?

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