PDO connection to bank


Viewed 1,269 times


Good guys, I’m starting to study about PDO, but soon in my first activity is occurring an error, follows below all the information.

CODE Object.php


$cli = new Produtos();

CODE Product.php


class Produtos extends Conexao{

    public function insert(){



CODE Connected.php

class Conexao{

    private static $conexao;

        public function conectar(){

                if (!isset(self::$conexao)) {
                    self::$Conexao = new pdo("mysql:host=localhost; dbname = renanmeh_bd_projeto","root","")

            }catch(PDOException $e){
                echo "Erro ao conectar ao banco ".$e->getMessage;
            return self::$conexao

Basically, this is just a test, where I have object that instantiates the product class, and this product class makes a request in the connection class.

  • Which error? where is the message?

  • You entered your password on PDO, or just omitted in your question?

  • My BD has no password, it comes with root

1 answer


Your code has a number of minor errors:

On the line where the PDO is instantiated is missing a semicolon and variables, properties etc are case sensitive or either upper case and minuscules make difference the name of the property defined in the beginning is $conexao and not $Conexao(as seen in the assignment).

No echo inside catch getMessage() is a method so the use of parentheses is mandatory.

In Return also spoke a semicolon.

class Conexao{
   private static $conexao;
   public function conectar(){
            if (!isset(self::$conexao)) {
                //Não é $Conexao
                self::$conexao = new pdo("mysql:host=localhost; dbname=renanmeh_bd_projeto","root",""); //;

        }catch(PDOException $e){
            echo "Erro ao conectar ao banco ".$e->getMessage(); //método
        return self::$conexao; //;

Recommended reading:

functions and methods in PHP are case-insensitive?

  • Error still appears. Fatal error: Class 'Products' not found in C: xampp htdocs pi PHPOO with PDO classes Object.php on line 3

  • In the archive objeto.php you need to do the class include. @Renan Rodrigues

  • That, I get here, thank you very much.

  • @Renan Rodrigues if I had interest can search for autoloading and psr-4, is a way to load the classes instead of using include.

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