I have a register where I store the registration date of the products. However I need to delete these products after 5 days registered in the database. I tried to use the PHP
with the following code:
$dataExcluir = mktime(null,null,null,date('m'),date('d') + 5,date('Y'),null);
while($jm = mysqli_fetch_object($sql)){
$data = date($jm->DataCadastro,$dataExcluir);
echo $data."<br>";
However it does not work, IE, It is not advanced the 5 days, but I put in PHP itself:
Someone would know how to fix this?
To discuss matters related to the site visit [meta]. On the subject remove greetings, you can go straight to that link and see that it was the decision of the majority: Greetings and Thanks. You can give your opinion there about why you think the greetings should be kept and listen to what the community has to say. PS: I’m not being sarcastic, you can even give your opinion.
– Math
Right Math. I’m not against correcting words, codes, etc, but I think a greeting and a thank you should have. I will go to the link and give my opinion. Thank you!
– user24136