SQL database for multiple users


Viewed 108 times


Well, I have a question. I am developing a web application that will suit more than one user, however each user has different data recorded in the database, and this volume will be great, since the system is for sales management.

I wonder how it would be for me to make the application bank, put a idUsuario on each item of the bank and do searches filtering through it, or has some form that brings more performance to the application?

Thank you!

  • 2

    Is it Entity Framework? MVC is ASP.NET MVC?

  • What I would like to know is more at bank level, but the answer is yes, for the two questions.

1 answer


If most queries performed within the system will involve the user parameter, yes, you will need to parameterize all tables with the Id user, because it is a design requirement of the Entity Framework that is this way.

To help parameterize queries without you having to fill in the user every time, you can use the Nuget package EntityFramework.DynamicFilters.

  • I can imagine, but I thought a lot about the question that as my user quantity increases, a table of products or sales, which will be the largest in the system, the amount of data in this table, when it comes to bringing only those of a user, won’t slow down the search? I was looking for some way to increase.

  • One of the forms would be to place additional indexes and to study the plan of the most recurrent consultations. This is done according to the chosen database technology.

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