Gulp task does not rotate (but turns callback)


Viewed 84 times


I have a task in Gulp, defined more or less like this:

gulp.task('tarefa', ['a', 'b', 'c'], function () {
   console.log("tarefa executada com sucesso");

From what I understand of documentation, this code should do the following:

  • Set the name task "task";
  • Running tasks in parallel "to", "b" and "c";
  • After the tasks are completed "to", "b" and "c", execute the logic defined for the task.

What really happens:

  • The name task is defined task;
  • The tasks "to", "b" and "c" are executed in parallel;
  • The program stops, indicating success, but the logic I set for the task task is not executed.

However, I noticed that if in other tasks I receive a parameter, and treat this parameter as a function... For example:

gulp.task('a', function (callback) {

The callback above is the function I set as task body task.

I would like to run my task only after the others have run, and as they will run in parallel, I cannot use my function as callback of the other tasks.

What I must do?

1 answer


We can indicate in a task which is its dependency, that is, which task should be executed before.

see this example that the copy task waits for the clean task to finish running:

// adicionando clean como dependência da tarefa copy

//na tarefa copy passo ['clean']

gulp.task('copy', ['clean'], function() {

//na tarefa clean passo return
gulp.task('clean', function(){
    return gulp.src('dist')

Note that tasks are executed one at a time, because in this context it does not make sense that they are executed in parallel

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