Parse error: syntax error, Unexpected 'mysql_query' (T_STRING)


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Well I’m trying to make a "Registration System with PHP and Mysql" I did this by following all the instructions I gave but at the time of the result it returns the following message.

Parse error: syntax error, Unexpected 'mysql_query' (T_STRING) in C: wamp www Formulario cadastrado.php on line 25

Below goes my code

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <title>Formulário de inscrição</title>

            $host = "localhost";
            $user = "root";
            $pass = "";
            $banco = "cadastro";
            $conexao = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die (mysql_error());
            mysql_select_db($banco)or die(mysql_error());
            $nome = $_POST['nome'];
            $sobrenome = $_POST['sobrenome'];
            $dataNasc = $_POST['dataNasc'];
            $telefone = $_POST['telefone'];
            $email = $_POST['email'];
            $bairro = $_POST['bairro'];
            $comentarios = $_POST['comentarios'];
            $sql mysql_query("INSERT INTO funcionarios(nome, sobrenome, nascimento, telefone, email, bairro, comentarios)VALUES('$nome', '$sobrenome', '$dataNasc', '$telefone', '$email', '$bairro', '$comentarios')");

And now a print that I think can help... inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Then you could help me find the mistake?

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2 answers


Parse error: syntax error, Unexpected 'mysql_query' (T_STRING)

Syntax error it says more or less 'something is out of place/right order', here it is necessary to make an assignment use the equal sign(=) for that reason.

mysql_query returns a Resource if successful otherwise returns a false which means that your query failed, so it is important to use the mysql_error() to know if the query has an error or if it was generated due to bank restriction violation.

$sql mysql_query("....

Change to:

$sql = mysql_query("

Since you are still a beginner, I recommend not using mysql_* functions they are obsolete.


Why should we not use mysql type functions_*?

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Common error - mysql_fetch_array() expects Parameter 1 to be Resource, Boolean Given in

  • Wow... I changed that and the mistake went to line 14.. And I remember seeing somewhere that @beforemysql_connect should be added and I was able to get the bug out.. Thank you very much, rray

  • Do not use @ it omits the error, the right is to treat them. @naldson

  • "It’s right to treat them." Like?

  • If the project is legacy(old) make sure to always see the error generated by the bank, in this case you need to use the mysql_error(). Like this: mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); @Naldson


You did not assign the variable $sql, forgot the =, to leave working properly use $sql = mysql_query(, don’t use @ before, this will omit the errors, you have to treat them properly not to be with a code "dirty".

But first of all, I no longer recommend using the mysql_query* she became obsolete,

Since you’re a beginner, use mysqli

but when evolving, I strongly recommend the PDO, as it is safer and object-oriented.

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