The use of stored procedures is not permitted in conjunction with the SELECT, WHERE or HAVING instructions.
I can suggest an alternative. Create a temporary table to store the output of the stored Procedure and then use that table in your query.
if object_id('tempdb..#emprestimoAtraso') is not null
drop table #emprestimosAtraso
create table #emprestimosAtraso(
cd_usuario int -- alterar de acordo com o output da stored procedure
insert into #emprestimosAtraso(cd_usuario)
exec usp_lista_emprestimo_em_atraso
select *
from t_usuarios tbl_u
inner join #emprestimosAtraso tbl_e
on tbl_e.cd_usuario = tbl_u.cd_usuario
where nome like '%jeniffer%'
order by nome
Another alternative is to create a function equivalent to your stored plan that returns a table. Unlike stored procedures, functions can be used in conjunction with the SELECT instruction.
With a function the syntax would be, for example, like this:
select *
from t_usuarios tbl_u
inner join udf_emprestimosAtraso() udf_e
on udf_e.cd_usuario = tbl_u.cd_usuario
where nome like '%jeniffer%'
order by nome
Vlw, but I solved it differently, I made a view, then I made a select in the view with the conditions I wanted!