How to manage a Sqlite connection between multiple simultaneous threads?


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So I’m facing some problems with my Sqlite connection, where I’m not finding a skilled solution.


My scenario is this::

  • I synchronize the data of my application with a legacy system, through a Webservice;
  • This synchronization is done through a Thread that checks what’s new in the legacy database and starts several other Threads to get the data and save it in its local base (Sqlite);
  • For each entity that is found new data in the legacy database a new Thread is opened, (each entity has an Endpoint, where it is accessed, downloaded, and saved the data, and then finalized the Thread). Ex: if there are new clients in the legacy database, a request is started that will fetch all new clients, and saves them in my client table in Sqlite, this would run in a Thread;


The problem is that even if I use AsyncTask.SERIAL_EXECUTOR that only runs one Thread at a time, between an opening and another connection ends up generating problem Lock, where I cannot get the Current reference of the connection and when trying to create a new one it accuses that db is Locked.

I believe my problem is not even with threads running simultaneously, but in my class connection management, which I am currently using is:

public abstract class GConexaoAdapter {

private final DatabaseHelper mDbHelper;
private SQLiteDatabase mDb;
protected final Context ctx;

public GConexaoAdapter(Context ctx, String dbName, int dbVersion) {
    this.mDbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(ctx, dbName, dbVersion);
    this.ctx = ctx;

private void open() {
    try {
        synchronized (ctx) {
            synchronized (mDbHelper) {
                if (mDb == null) {
                    mDb = mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
                } else {
                    synchronized (mDb) {
                        mDb = mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        if (mDb == null || !mDb.isOpen())
            mDb = ctx.openOrCreateDatabase(mDbHelper.getDatabaseName(), 0,
        Log.i("TRATAR", "tratar");

protected SQLiteDatabase getConexao() {
    synchronized (ctx) {
        synchronized (mDbHelper) {
            if (mDb == null) {
            } else if (!mDb.isOpen()) {
                synchronized (mDb) {
                    if (!mDb.isOpen()) {
            return mDb;

protected void closeConexao() {
    synchronized (ctx) {
        synchronized (mDbHelper) {
            if (mDb != null && mDb.isOpen()) {
                synchronized (mDb) {
                    if (mDb.isOpen()) {
                        if (mDb.inTransaction()) {

private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        if (!db.isReadOnly()) {
            // db.execSQL("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;");

    DatabaseHelper(Context context, String dbNome, int dbVersion) {
        super(context, dbNome, null, dbVersion);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {

I don’t think I need all the synchronized that I have, is that I have tried several solutions I have found and none brought me the expected result.


I believe there’s even a "Cake recipe" for this type of connection management. I may not be the only one who needs a solution like this.

So how would I manage to effectively, effectively manage my connection to the Sqlite database?

Very important remark:

I would like to manage the Sqlite connection between multiple simultaneous threads, however without causing Locks that end up generating exceptions and violating data integrity!

5 answers


Synchronizing the opening, reading/writing and closing methods of the database individually does not solve an essential problem that is the need for access to the database to be atomic.

It would make your life easier if instead of using this lot of synchronized within this class (synchronize in a Context ??) you used within the method doInBackground() of their AsyncTasks, wrapping within a block synchronized an atomic operation in the bank composed of open(), read or record, close():

doInBackground() {

    //Traz os dados do webservice;

    synchronized(objetoLock) {
        //lê ou grava no banco;

I also suggest you use as lock blocks synchronized an object that lasts throughout the entire application, I would use an object to the exclusive part for this, but you can use an object related to the database (for example the instance of GConexaoAdapter) as long as it lasts long enough in your application to be used for all bank operations that occur. And it doesn’t cost to emphasize, the synchronization has to be done always in the same object, otherwise gives concurrent access problem the same way.

  • I understood your suggestion, and it seems useful, but connection management should not be restricted to threads but to any connection call. I believe I could control the connection by keeping a single instance in the object Gconexaoadapter, I’m just looking for a way to do it well. I’m working in that idea

  • In any access to the bank you will have to use the synchronized() to avoid competing calls to getWritableDatabase(). You can’t do it any other way. The only alternative would be to create methods insert(), delete(), etc. in the GConexaoAdapter, all of them synchronized, and within each you call getWritableDatabase() before executing the operation itself, and close() next.

  • "to avoid competing calls to getWritableDatabase()" - read "to ensure the atomic operation composed of mDb = mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase() and mDb.close()"

  • your answer helped me find the path of stones, check out my solution.


So after some more time of research, and following some paths pointed out by you, I came to a "Cake Recipe*¹" as I was looking for.

I’ll show you the solution that met my needs:

I followed the tips pointed out in this link, making some modifications to my needs

public class DatabaseManager {
    private AtomicInteger mOpenCounter = new AtomicInteger();

private static DatabaseManager instance;
private static SQLiteOpenHelper mDatabaseHelper;
private SQLiteDatabase mDatabase;

    private DatabaseManager() {

private static synchronized void initializeInstance(SQLiteOpenHelper helper) {
    if (instance == null) {
        instance = new DatabaseManager();
        mDatabaseHelper = helper;

public static synchronized DatabaseManager getInstance(Context context,
        String dbName, int dbVersion) {
    if (instance == null) {
        initializeInstance(new DatabaseHelper(context, dbName, dbVersion));
        return instance;

    return instance;

public synchronized SQLiteDatabase openDatabase() {
    if (mOpenCounter.incrementAndGet() == 1) {
        // Opening new database
        mDatabase = mDatabaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    return mDatabase;

public synchronized void closeDatabase() {
    if (mOpenCounter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
        // Closing database


And in my old class I made some modifications that only apply to adapt my old class the new class connection management:

public abstract class GConexaoAdapter {

protected final Context ctx;
private final String dbName;
private final int dbVersion;

public GConexaoAdapter(Context ctx, String dbName, int dbVersion) {
    this.dbName = dbName;
    this.dbVersion = dbVersion;
    this.ctx = ctx;

protected SQLiteDatabase getConexao() {
    return DatabaseManager.getInstance(ctx, dbName, dbVersion)

protected void closeConexao() {
    DatabaseManager.getInstance(ctx, dbName, dbVersion).closeDatabase();

That second class is not necessary you can use the DatabaseManager directly in that way:

private long create(ContentValues valores) {
    try {
        DatabaseManager.getInstance(ctx, "db", 1).openDatabase()
        long result = DatabaseManager.getInstance(ctx, "db", 1).openDatabase().insert(nomeTabela, null, valores);
        DatabaseManager.getInstance(ctx, "db", 1).openDatabase().setTransactionSuccessful();
        return result;
    } finally {
        DatabaseManager.getInstance(ctx, "db", 1).openDatabase().endTransaction();
        DatabaseManager.getInstance(ctx, "db", 1).closeDatabase();

Or adapt it to your way of working.

*¹It is not a cake recipe as actually expected by the question, but for my case in particular and I believe for others as well, it will be very useful, and can be easily adapted to your environment, if you are working in a modular and organized way.

Note: This solution manages the connection of Sqlite in thread-safe

  • 2

    Hmmm... interesting solution. Only complementing, for being a English I believe that DatabaseManager should have a private builder and the method initializeInstance() should also be private.

  • Yes you’re right, do not activate me to these details, have to restrict access to the maximum because it is a Singleton

  • The downside of this solution is that the user can screw up and call close() directly in the object returned by openDatabase(), which would cause problems when using the object again (even if it is the return of another openDatabase()), nay?

  • 1

    In fact as the methods openDatabase() and closeDatabase() are synchronized that AtomicInteger can be exchanged for a single null check on the variable mDatabase. If the developer is unaware of how to use openDatabase() and closeDatabase() and freely manipulate the object SQLiteDatabase returned, this solution remains problematic as general case or cake recipe.

  • Maybe it’s not a cake recipe for general case, another great solution? Or do you mean that it doesn’t work as expected? And a developer must understand the purpose of the code to then implement it, nothing is that simple at this point. And details for me this solution fell like a glove.

  • 1

    It works for your particular case and now, that you are remembering to close the connection via closeDatabase(). You can even emphasize this in the class Javadoc, but it is easy to forget it in the future and then the class loses its usefulness.

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I strongly recommend using an external queue (There are several solutions ready for this) for continuous insertion... and separating a single thread for consuming function... will not generate lock and will ensure the chronological integrity of the data.. only will not be synchronous with the reading of the data in the original database..

  • more in simultaneous thread the performance in synchronization of a large amount of data is much better because it uses the maximum of the connection available at the moment, because while this doing 'Insert' in some data in the database the other thread is downloading the JSON from endpoint, and so on, and the solution I posted is already working for me in thread-safe.

  • yes, I didn’t say to stop using threads for the other functions but line up the writing in the bank... I could even read more than one item in the queue and condense the writing of 2 or 3 items at a time, greatly decreasing the I/O


Start with the default "who opens the connection is who closes it", I’m sorry I don’t know if there is a cool name for this pattern... :-)

Implementing the Datasource interface helps you define how you will work with the single connection in the database.

I think this might be a way... :-)

  • Flávio Granato am not sure, but from what I saw this interface is not specific to work with Sqlitedatabase connections, and researching here about it, I saw benefits in using it? can you give me an example?

  • Think that your method getConnection() return the connection and that your datasource will only have an active connection, but only if there is no active transaction. So you can manage the connection... (

  • Plus the Datasource from what I understand is an interface for managing connections in Java in general where the getConnection() returns an object Connection is the Sqlite an object Sqlitedatabase

  • What’s wrong with having a datasource?

  • I think implementing this interface won’t help me make my connection thread-safe, seems like an unnecessary effort.

  • Anyway, it is the way for your code to become more semantic. If you create a Singleton and always return this instance... around it goes...

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I don’t know much about android, but we have a desktop application that also uses Sqlite and the solution for using it in several threads was to create a class to be a Pool of connections and this pool had only 1 connection for writing and 2 for reading

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