Error: "Unexpected T_STRING" in PHP


Viewed 2,266 times


I took a function from the Internet to calculate the difference between the dates. I created a class to facilitate, because I will use this function on other screens.

PHP version: 5.2.*

Code calling the class:

  $datahora = new dataHora();

That is the mistake:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/a6483778/public_html/funcoes/datahora.php on line 1

Follow my PHP code:

<?php // <-- O erro está aqui, na primeira linha!
class dataHora {    
    function data($data){ 
        $data_atual = mktime(); 

        list($ano,$mes,$dia) = explode("-",$data);
        list($dia,$hora) = explode(" ",$dia);
        list($hora,$min,$seg) = explode(":",$hora);

        $data_banco = mktime($hora,$min,$seg,$mes,$dia,$ano); 

        $diferenca = $data_atual - $data_banco; 

        $minutos = $diferenca/60; 
        $horas = $diferenca/3600; 
        $dias = $diferenca/86400; 

        if($minutos < 1){ 
            $diferenca = "há alguns segundos. Mais precisamente: ".$diferenca." segundos";
        } elseif($minutos > 1 && $horas < 1) { 
            if(floor($minutos) == 1 or floor($horas) == 1){ $s = ''; } else { $s = 's'; } 
            $diferenca = "há ".floor($minutos)." minuto".$s;
        } elseif($horas <= 24) { 
            if(floor($horas) == 1){ $s = ''; } else { $s = 's'; } 
            $diferenca = "há ".floor($horas)." hora".$s;
        } elseif($dias <= 2){ 
            $diferenca = "ontem";
        } elseif($dias <= 7){ 
            $diferenca = "há ".floor($dias)." dias";
        } elseif($dias <= 8){
            $diferenca = "há uma semana";
        } else {
            $diferenca = date("d/m/Y",$data_banco);

        return $diferenca; 

Source code

  • 1

    Can post/highlight the error line and previous, It looks like an unzipped quote.

  • That’s right @lost, probably missing or left a string delimiter. However it is not in the code posted, because it has no syntax error.

  • Updated! @lost

  • Does this code run on a linux server? the file was created in windows?

  • It was created in windows, and I’m not sure if it’s linux server, @lost

  • Create a new file and put phpinfo() this will show the operating system.

  • 2

    Leonardo, the mistake could be encoding, since the file has accents. Try using Notepad++ or some editor and convert it to UTF-8. Or even it may have been damaged in the transfer via FTP. Already tried sending again?

  • I think I know what it is, try using the tag <? at the beginning and tag ?> in the end, instead of <?php at the beginning and ?> at the end, to see if the error goes away.

  • @lost. Yes, it’s Linux!

  • I couldn’t reproduce your mistake, here in my machine worked perfectly.

  • What @utluiz suggested worked, kkkk. I uploaded again and it worked perfectly, I think at the time of transferring, must have damaged the file. Thanks !

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2 answers


I uploaded again and amazingly it worked. I think at the time of transferring the file, must have damaged.

Thanks for the help!

  • 2

    The FTP protocol has serious problems when thinking about file integrity. In several hosts I have had problems, for example, when sending several files in batch, several of them randomly get corrupted. If your server supports, use a better SSH protocol with a client as Winscp.


According to this reply, the problem is in the line breaking caractres that in windows is representing as \r\nand on linux only \n

I fixed it. Writing the code in Windows implied having r n as line break characters, which have not been interpreted correctly on my Linux hosting: I’ve turned all r n to the UNIX standard character line break n and corrected error.

  • In some specific situation this may even cause the problem, but I always compacted my PHP files by removing line breaks without difficulties. Behold here the question file without line breaks.

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