Take Crystal Report parameter value


Viewed 159 times


As I would to take the value of a variable of type Parameterfields, where by debug I can visualize as below, where in the case would be value = "000000609", to pass to another of type string ?

dim dsResult as string = string.Empty dsResulted = me.crParameterFields(nPosTab). Currentvalues(0).???


Look at the way I ended up doing it at the moment, I just don’t know if it would be the right way, and safe, in case there’s another way and you could give me a little aloo, I appreciate it ?

For Each discreteDefaultVal As Parameterdiscretevalue In Me.crParameterFields(nPos_Tab). Currentvalues Dim cResulted As String = String.Empty cResult = discreteDefaultVal.Value Next

  • I updated the question, for a better understanding

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