Hybrid Android Apps. Is the performance loss that big?


Viewed 132 times


Someone there has developed hybrid apps for Android and can you tell me if the loss of performance is great? I have read in various articles on this web that there are problems such as delay in the touch event, any slowdowns, etc. If you can share experiences or even leave reference links, it will be of great help.

2 answers


It depends. The answer may be yes, there is significant performance reduction, or no, it makes no difference.

Situations where a Hybrid App performs similar to the standard app

  • Native app equivalent also need internet access to work, and the hybrid app does not download much more content than native
  • Common apps with no added complexity

Situations where a Hybrid App tends to perform noticeably worse

  • Games and apps that work with intense graphics
  • In my case, it is just connection to a webservice to assemble the view with the data coming from there.


In some cases the slowness problem happens because hybrid applications run on top of a native layer (webview). So instead of having a direct access, the app does an emulation to run.

In your case, I see no great loss of performance as it is an access to a webservice. Beware only of the number of requests. I have developed apps with this type of communication and I have not had problems with performance.

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