How to zoom in on an image by hovering over it?


Viewed 6,399 times


I’m creating a tattoos website that contains a photo gallery. I would like when the user hovers the mouse over an image to be enlarged to a larger size.

I’m a beginner in building websites, I understand a little HTML and CSS; however, I have no knowledge of Javascript.

  • There are some cool jQuery plugins to do these things. One of the most interesting I’ve seen is the jQuery Zoom. Besides beautiful and functional your "installation" is very easy, have the step-by-step right there on the site. If you have problems let me know.

3 answers


There are several ways to solve your problem, even all derived from a single one. You can use ready made solutions - by searching Google, you will find several free and/or paid libraries - or create them from scratch.

Here I propose an example so you can work on it. It just magnifies/reduces the image without great beauty involved.

var entidade = document.getElementById('imagem');

// Altere o número para a apliação/redução desejada
var fator_lupa = 2;

entidade.onmouseover = function () { = (this.clientWidth * fator_lupa) + "px"; };

entidade.onmouseout = function () { = (this.clientWidth / fator_lupa) + "px"; };
<img id="imagem" width="200" src="" />

Here is a link from Jsfiddle for example of the code in operation in case the Sopt preview does not work: Jsfiddle

I hope I’ve helped!


It is possible to do without using Javascript, which I find more cool. Using the property transform:scale of CSS3:

img {
    -webkit-transition: all 1s ease; /* Safari and Chrome */
    -moz-transition: all 1s ease; /* Firefox */
    -ms-transition: all 1s ease; /* IE 9 */
    -o-transition: all 1s ease; /* Opera */
    transition: all 1s ease;

img:hover {
    -webkit-transform:scale(1.25); /* Safari and Chrome */
    -moz-transform:scale(1.25); /* Firefox */
    -ms-transform:scale(1.25); /* IE 9 */
    -o-transform:scale(1.25); /* Opera */

Source with more information.



<img src="/img/fundo.jpg" >


   height: 50%;
   width: 50%;

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