How do I return a value in the Brazilian currency format in the Django view?


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How to return the value 1768 in BRL currency format 1.768,00 in the Django view?

def moeda(request):
    valor = 1768
    # formata o valor
    return HttpResponse('Valor: %s' % valor)

6 answers


They have two simple ways to do that, next:

1) using locate:

from django.utils.formats import localize
def moeda(request):
    valor = 1768 
    valor = localize(valor)
    return HttpResponse('Valor: %s' % valor)
    # resultado: Valor: 1.768,00

2) using a local:

import locale
def moeda(request):
    valor = 1768 
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'pt_BR.UTF-8')
    valor = locale.currency(valor, grouping=True, symbol=None)
    return HttpResponse('Valor: %s' % valor)
    # resultado: Valor: 1.768,00


My strategy is simpler and more direct:

I use standard formatting ( same as dollar ) and just invert '.' and ',':

def real_br_money_mask(my_value):
    a = '{:,.2f}'.format(float(my_value))
    b = a.replace(',','v')
    c = b.replace('.',',')
    return c.replace('v','.')

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The cool thing about this approach is that you don’t have to do any import.


I was able to observe that the error was in the name "pt_BR.UTF-8". At least for my Python (3.6), to set the text format for Brazil, I used: "Portuguese_brazil.1252"

Follow my solution to your problem:

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "Portuguese_Brazil.1252")
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['axes.formatter.use_locale'] = True

I hope it helps.

  • 1

    The value will depend on the operating system. Under Linux you can list possible values by running locale -a in the terminal.


With only one line of code and no matter what:

valor = 1768

valor_real = "R${:,.2f}".format(valor).replace(",", "X").replace(".", ",").replace("X", ".")


Using Python 3 in Windows 7 (already in en-BR), I found the following result:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Using locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'pt_BR.UTF-8'), resulted:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

However, I did not test with Python 2.


To Format in Real without using function:

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_MONETARY, 'pt_BR.UTF-8')  
valor_em_Real_formatado = locale.currency(12.4593681)

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