When inserting the text: Em 19 de maio de 2015 16:48, <asdfsadf> escreveu:
and send the form I generated the following error:
A potentially Dangerous Request.Form value was Detected from the client (ctl00$Contentplaceholder1$tbObservacao="...o Pedrosa < asdfsadf
The text was identified as HTML and dangerous by Asp.Net which prevented the form from being submitted, which seems to me the problem lies in this passage <asdfsadf>
. I added ValidateRequest = "false"
my page Aspx which disables this validation, but I’ve been a little put off on the effects it might have.
My doubts would be:
- There is some risk of submitting form with HTML?
- If yes which?
Yes, there is risk. Basically: you will save this content in the bank and at some point will render a page to show it to the user. As the page will be being generated in the server context, ASP.NET instructions previously injected and now retrieved from the database can read sensitive data on the server and send them along with the page generated for the malicious user.
– Caffé
@Caffe would not dare answer?
– Marconi
I would like to answer but at the moment I can not - I was passing :-) If nothing appears, who knows later. Good luck there!
– Caffé
@Caffé Tranquilo.
– Marconi