Gridview with only one line - Asp.Net C#


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I have a column in Gridview with Schedules, I made a scheme that takes from such an hour to such an hour for example: 8:00 to 8:30 and so goes to other lines. In all, until 6:00, that’s 20 lines. How do I put this all in one line ? Something that would break down by "," and stay on the same line. Thank you.

  • You can change your data source, to own one item instead of several or change components, write a table.

  • I thought about owning only one item, but in this case it’s a list of times, would have problem anyway at the time to cut the hours like, I need to do this: 8:00 at 8:30, 8:30 at 9:00 and so it goes in one line only.

  • What if you foreach and concatenate the content into a string?

  • I tried to do this, only what type, I will assign to string the times I’m picking up in 2 objects like hora_start and hora_end and at the end add to ",". Only then when the list is finished the last comma will stay there ..

  • The last comma you take out, that’s simple, but my question would be: Why everything in a Row? I do not understand why, because in separate Row it is much more readable, unless there is a very specific rule, so the question, just for that reason.

  • A way to remove the last comma: Stringbuilder Sb = new Stringbuilder("1, 2, 3, "); string result = Sb.Tostring(0, Sb. Length - 2);

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You can use the component Repeater to do this. The similar code would be:

<asp:Repeater ID="rptHorarios" runat="server">
      <table border="0" id="tblHorarios">



public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
   if (!IsPostBack)
      rptHorarios.DataSource = GetHorarios();

Or you could also use the Datalist and set the properties Repeatdirection and Repeatcolumn with their respective values.

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